Having yellow teeth is not a delightful experience as you are always concerned about your teeth. In many cases, having yellow teeth is normal, especially if it’s genetics. However, in most cases, it might be a genuine concern that impacts your oral health and overall confidence. If you are confused if you should visit a family dentist in Hanover for your yellow teeth, we have got you covered. Read here to know if it’s normal to get yellow teeth or not. Here we go! 

Are yellow teeth normal? 

Most people think that yellow teeth point to bad oral health. However, most of them are unaware of the fact that yellow teeth come naturally to certain people. Additionally, your teeth’ color ranges from white to light yellow; therefore, it is normal to have yellow teeth. However, it is not the same for everyone. If you have noticed a sudden change in tooth color, you must visit a dentist. 

Tips to prevent yellow teeth with time 

Some major tips to avoid yellow tint on your teeth are: 

1. Avoid staining foods 

Teeth enamel can absorb dark-colored carbonated drinks, wine, coffee, and tea. Red wine has the potential to abrasively roughen the pores in tooth enamel, whereas coffee and tea contain tannins that stain.

2. Acidic food and drinks are a no! 

Certain foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can weaken and destroy dental enamel. Limiting soft drinks, energy drinks, and sports drinks is also advised because they gradually erode enamel.

3. Quitting smoking 

Teeth stains are caused by tar and nicotine. Although nicotine is colorless, it causes dental stains. Therefore, you must give up all tobacco products like pipes and cigarettes to enhance your dental health. Additionally, it makes your teeth look brighter.

Teeth whitening treatment

It is a cosmetic procedure performed to lighten your teeth by removing all stubborn stains and changing the color of your teeth. Although teeth whitening treatment cannot completely whiten your teeth. This procedure can lighten your teeth’ color by several shades. During the procedure, your dentist applies brightening agents to get the desired results. If you are experiencing signs to get teeth whitening treatment, go for it! 

Wrapping up 

Yellow teeth are a genuine concern as they not only impact your dental health but also affect overall confidence. Although there are several causes of yellow teeth, you can undergo the teeth whitening procedure for effective results.